Distance contract

The seller of products of this online shop "telmasbotanica.com" is Skiche Ltd., Reg. no. 40103590914, legal address Lubanas str 117-11 Riga on one side and in next called as Seller, and Buyer person who makes order on other side, makes following settlement

Seller undertakes sell and deliver products to Buyer accordingly to Buyers order.

Procedure of ordering, delivery and payment

Buyer makes order via this online shop pointing type and quantity of products. Buyer can make payment for order by using integrated payment tools or transfering payment according to issued invoice. Invoice is prepared electronically and is valid without signature.

After receiving payment, Seller ensures delivery of products within 2-14 working days that depends on product availability or /and working out new product that will be mutually confirmed.

Refusal rights

Buyer has rights to refuse an order whitin 14 days since product has been received by sending to Seller refusal form. Refusal form Seller sends to Buyer on demand. Obligation of  Buyer is within 7 days after sending refusal for deliver product back to Seller. All delivery  expenditures covers Buyer.

Buyer cannot use refusal rights if:

  • ordered products ar custom made
In accordance with the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Latvia Article 12, part 6th determines that Consumer is responsible for maintaining product quality and safety within date when refusal rights are in force. Seller has rights to reject to use refusal rights or apply compensation fee in case if product is damaged, or carelessly used due to not following instructions or in case if original packaging is lost or significantly damaged.

Processing data

Buyer confirms and agrees that the enterd data by making order is used so that Seller couId accept an order and deliver order accordingly to legislation. By entering data, Buyer agrees, that on indicated e-mail will be sent information regaring order.  

With more detailed information regarding person data processing you can introduce your self in TERMS AND CONDITIONS  in section Personal data processing.